Dale Kramer "K1"
Dale Kramer
Dale Kramer holds all FAI Silver, Gold and Diamond badges. In 1999, after a 20 year absence from the sport, Dale flew his LS4a over 20,000 km cross country in the north eastern United states and Ontario, Canada. He was awarded the 353rd international FAI badge for a 1000 km flight in 1999. He flew his new LS8 to 20th place in the 2001 World Championships in South Africa representing Canada. He holds many speed and distance records and, this year, succeeded in being the first person ever to complete a 750 km FAI triangle in New York State. Dale is looking forward to representing Canada in the 2003 World Championships in Leszno Poland. Dale will be flying a Discus 2B in the Championship.
Dale finishing at the 2001 Worlds. Photo by brett eloff